Dr. Chen

Dr. Chen was graduated from Beijing Medical University (aka Medical School of Peking University in (1981-) 1987. He worked as an emergency physician in The Beijing People’s Hospital (aka The Second Teaching Hospital of Beijing Medical University) for two years (1987-1989). After 5 years’ (1991-1995) training in health science research from McMaster University in Canada and practicing alternative medicine in my own clinic for a few years, Dr. Chen had finally found the ultimate mission of my life is to serve others as a Lifestyle Consultant for the rest of his life for the reason that food treatment, very often, is better than chemical drugs.
The quality of your life is mainly defined by your personal lifestyle, not by your doctors. Dr. Chen believes that conventional medicine, or medical intervention, should only be introduced into your life when it is necessary to sustain the quality of your life.  A health practitioner should focused on how to help his/her clients to build a strong foundation of health, which could only be achieved by healthy lifestyle, especially healthy diet. Combining the knowledge and experience from both of western medicine and eastern medicine system, did give me an edge to help my clients. But ultimately, you are the master of your fate. We are here to help! There is no magic pill or operation that could be the ultimate simple solution for your health. Money won’t buy you love, neither health! One can divorce his/her spouse, but not your own physical body. Government insurance can cover the cost of all your medical expenses, but you are the one, and the one who loves you, to suffer from the pain and lost of disease.

陈医生毕业于北京医科大学(现为北京大学医学院)(1987),工作于北京人民医院(北京医科大学第二附属医院)急诊科(1987-1989),后到McMaster University做了五年的科研工作。以后在自己的诊所行医若干年后,发现在许多情形下都是“食疗”远胜“药疗”。于是专注于饮食及生活方式的咨询调理来服务大众。众多的医疗措施,都是要通过自身相对健全的健康基础和自愈能力来起作用的。“病从口入”的警示,不仅适用于传染病,更适用于慢性病或代谢病。我们在临床上观察到,糖尿病,脂肪肝,高血压,以及过敏性疾病等等的控制甚至逆转,都可以通过饮食调理和生活方式的改变来获得。结合中医的整体辩证思维和西医的解剖生理生化机制以及客观观测指标,来指导饮食和生活方式的改变,是获得疗效的关键。但归根结底,您自己才是您健康的主宰。医生只是您的助手。没有神奇的药丸或手术可以简单解决一切的问题,就如同没有救世主一样。金钱买不来爱情,也买不来健康。人可以和妻子或丈夫离婚,但无法与自己的身体隔绝。政府保险可以支付全部的医疗费用,但所有的病痛损失都要由您自己,和爱您的人,来承受!

Disclaimer: Although Dr. Chen had a strong background both in medical practice and medical research, he had chosen to give up his career path as a conventional medical doctor long time ago. Therefore, his service to his clients should only be considered as lifestyle coaching instead of medical advice.
The content of all information on this website, as well as the contents of all the activities or products of Dr. Chen, is not intended to replace a visit to a doctor in the event of complaints. Always consult your doctor if you have any complaints.